October 20-26, 2025 | Wolfville, Nova Scotia

devour! the beach 2026

The Ultimate Food Film Winter Getaway

Get ready for an unforgettable culinary adventure at the Green Turtle Club in breathtaking Abaco, Bahamas! Join us for the 6th Devour! The Beach, an intimate celebration of the World’s Largest Food Film Festival, where delicious flavours and captivating films come together for four sensational days of food, film, and fun—Bahamian style!

6TH Annual
Devour! The Beach
Feb 4-8, 2026


We are bringing an amazing group of chefs and films that will surprise and delight the taste buds – Bahamas style.

Chef Michael Howell

We are in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq who have been living on these lands since time immemorial. We acknowledge the treaties of peace and friendship and we thank the Mi’kmaw people for their generosity in sharing their homeland with us. We recognize this is a small, but meaningfuI step in reconciIiation and the continued efforts of a strong Nation-to-Nation relationship. We are all Treaty People.