The Sandwich Nazi w/I’m F**king Hungry & Butter Ya’Self
The Sandwich Nazi
Salam Kahil is crass, rude and inappropriate. He is an exhibitionist and former sex worker who likes to talk about his penis. Oh, and he makes great sandwiches. The Sandwich Nazi follows this anti-hero from Vancouver to Lebanon and back, as he doles out food, insults and love to his patrons.
Canada, 2015, 72 minutes
Director Lewis Bennett
Distributor Lewis Bennett
I’m F**king Hungry
Screening guarantee: you have never seen snacks throw down a rap like this before – especially bacon. Bacon is bada**.
USA, 2015, 4 minutes
Director Max Lanman
Butter Ya’Self
Butter Ya’Self before you wreck ya’self with Nana Splits.
USA, 2014, 4 minutes
Director Julian Petschek