The Scotiabank Big Picture Program: Generation Greta – IN PERSON
They are aged between 12 and 24. They have grown up in a world with increasing droughts, floods, fires. And In spite of their cultural and geographical differences, nine young female activists are united under the same struggle: raising awareness about the climate emergency, fighting against the inaction of politicians, and promoting radical societal change, so that nature and social justice become our top priority.
France, 2020, 53 minutes
Directors Simon Kessler & Johan Boulanger
Distributor Java Films
About The Scotiabank Big Picture Program
Every year Devour! invites students from regional schools to come to Devour! to appreciate the cultural experience of attending a film festival while seeing important films related to health and community. This year will be a little different with COVID restrictions in place…we will be streaming to classrooms this time around with this year’s theme of CLIMATE CHANGE. How does climate change affect food and food production, our daily lives, our economies and more? These powerful documentaries will be screened in person with socially distanced, regulated seating at the Al Whittle theatre, but also available online for schools and teachers to access in class ($100 screening fee per class with accompanying learning modules developed by Nourish NS) or streamed for $10 for children learning at home.
Ticket Price: $10 in-theatre (limited capacity)
Teachers & Schools take note: Book your $100 Virtual Class Booking, includes curriculum guide and the ability to stream into your classroom or for at home support. Recommended Ages 14+. Purchase here.
Sponsored by: Scotiabank, the Nova Scotia Teachers Union & Nourish NS