October 21-27, 2024 | Wolfville, Nova Scotia

October 21-27, 2024

The 14th Annual Devour! Food Film Fest brings cinematic and culinary Game Changers to Wolfville on Oct. 21-27. Globally recognized visionaries and local heroes will share films that will make you think differently about food, inspire us with mouth-watering dishes and show us how they are solving the world’s biggest food challenges.


We are in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq who have been living on these lands since time immemorial. We acknowledge the treaties of peace and friendship and we thank the Mi’kmaw people for their generosity in sharing their homeland with us. We recognize this is a small, but meaningfuI step in reconciIiation and the continued efforts of a strong Nation-to-Nation relationship. We are all Treaty People.