Cheese, Please! (Shorts Film Program)
Happy Goats Happy Cheese
Just as it says: happy goats equal happy cheese in this delightful little romp through a goat farm in South Carolina.
USA, 2014, 17 minutes
Director Barbara Tranter
Forget spaghetti westerns and their stand-offs. This woman knows what she wants and she’s not letting anyone keep her from her cheese.
Canada, 2014, 5 minutes
Director Hannah Cheesman
You don’t really think cheese when you think Ireland, but as this documentary reveals, you most definitely should.
Ireland, 2013, 25 minutes
Director Tanya Doyle
The first rule of fight club is: you do not talk about fight club, especially if it involves cheese and wagering your best chef knife.
USA, 2015, 13 minutes
Director Barry Cunningham
Joe’s Dairy
Joe’s Dairy has been a fixture in the heart of Manhattan for 80 years, but if you didn’t take a moment to pause and look in, you’d have no idea that a famed mozzarella was made here.
USA, 2014, 31 minutes
Directors Piero Iberti & Jeremy Zalbin