Come Back Anytime w/Tanagokoro: A Culinary Portrait – ONLINE
Come Back Anytime
Self-taught ramen master Masamoto Ueda and his wife Kazuko have run their Tokyo ramen shop, Bizentei, for more than 40 years, serving scores of devoted customers. Acknowledging the master must retire someday, everyone resolves to make the best of what time remains—to truly appreciate this special place, community of friends, and uniquely delicious food before it is gone forever.
Japan, 2021, 81 minutes
Director John Daschbach
Distributor JD Media Co Ltd
Available online for Canadian viewers.
Tanagokoro: A Culinary Portrait
When Japanese chef Yoshinori Ishii is dismayed by the quality of fish in London, he takes it upon himself to investigate why. Through skill, ethics, and passion, he sparks a fish revolution in the United Kingdom.
Country, 2021, 32 minutes
Directors Victoria Fistes, Masashi Nozaki
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