Devour! Week is upon us, and we want the community to be part of all things French, Acadian Québecois, Cajun and Creole cuisine and film! Here are a few community events you do not want to miss happening in Wolfville this week:

Le Tour de l’Acadie (Bike Ride)
Saturday, October 28th 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Wolfville Waterfront Park
Ticket Prices: $20.00, $5.00 youth, includes refreshment breaks
Start your morning off with a beautiful bike ride through the picturesque Grand Pré! This three-hour bike ride takes cyclists through the many historic sites and landscapes.
Devour! Chowder Smackdown
Saturday, October 28th 11:30 am – 2:30pm.
Wolfville Waterfront Park
Ticket Price: $25.00, includes samples of 8-10 chowders
One of Devour!’s signature events, the Chowder Smackdown gets the crowd cheering! Sample 8-10 chowders from visiting chefs and local restaurants while overlooking the breathtaking view of the Bay of Fundy! Join us to see who will be crowned Chowder Champion.
The Great Devour! Cajun Chicken Supper Featuring Music by Dwayne Dopsie and the Zydeco Hellraisers
Sunday, October 29th 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Wolfville Waterfront Park
Ticket Prices: $20.00 or admission with a pre-issued food bank ticket from a regional food bank; proceeds go to regional food banks
Devour! is thrilled to return with this seventh-annual event for communities in need in the Annapolis Valley. We’re serving up a festive Cajun chicken dinner with all the fixings prepared by visiting chefs. Get ready to eat and dance to the music of Dwayne Dopsie and the Zydeco Hellraisers under our tents at Waterfront Park.